Not much longer until rodeo starts. If you really want to win this year then you should have started already or should get started with in the next few months. You can't just go out there and ride, you need to get your horse in shape. Take him or her on trail rides so they don't get tired of the arena. If you take them on trail rides than they won't get sick of the arena and will work better for you. There will be a clinic in Brewster on April 13th and the 14th at the Old 97 Arena. There will be timed events and possible a bucking barrel and machine. If you think you're too good for this clinic I still suggest showing up, it's practice, and no one can practice too much. Whether it's fundamentals for getting out there and riding your horse. Check out the new poll and vote on it. Plus get in the message boards section and write something up. Tell us what your up to. See if you can get a sponsor for yourself or a CTJRA rodeo. That always helps out. Check out the Trading post, I added a trailer that's for sale. If you need a membership mailed to you, please contact me. Plus you can click on the link to the left and print one out.

New things

1. Message Board

2. Past News Section, for all that old news that gets in the new new's way.

3. CTJRA Membership Application

4. I also took down the poll. The results are: Where would you like the Washington St. Jr. Rodeo Finals to be next year?

Brewster - (10) - 32%
Omak - (13) - 42%
Silverdale - (5) - 16%
Goldendale (2) - 6%
Ritzville (1) - 3%
I know Omak won by 3 votes, but the finals will be in Ellensburg this year.

What do you think about the new website. (Scale 1-10, 1 being bad, 10 being great!)

1 (3) 10%
2 (0) 0%
3 (0) 0%
4 (0) 0%
5 (0) 0%
6 (1) 3%
7 (1) 3%
8 (6) 19%
9 (4) 13%
10 (16) 52%
You guys voted for the CTJRA website as a ten. Thanks.

Are you planning on enrolling in the Caribou Trail Junior Rodeo Association for 2002?

Yes (28) 90%
No (1) 3%
I'm Still Thinking About It (2) 6%
Hope to see you at the first rodeo!

Do you plan on going to any of the rodeos?

Yes 1-2 rodeos (4) 13%
Yes 3-4 rodeos (2) 6%
YES ALL OF THEM! (25) 81%
No, I won't be going to any. =\ (0) 0%
In order to get alot of points to win year in awards and a position for the state finals you need to go to most of the rodeos.

What's Your Favorite Rodeo?

Brewster (10) 32%
Tonasket (5) 16%
Keller (6) 19%
Republic (4) 13%
Colville (2) 6%
Okanogan (4) 13%
I also believe Brewster is a good rodeo, it's a nice place (arena), ran smoothly and the people who are running it let you take your time and aren't on your case (this isn't prorodeo guys), and the awards are also really nice!

5. Finally I also re-arranged the points section and have them ready for the 2002 season, you can view the 2001 season results by going to the bottom of the 2002 page and clicking on the "2001 Results".

I've been busy so I haven't been able to really add anything to the website. I will be done with basketball on thursday with my last game against Omak, then after that I will come up with some ideas and add a couple of more things. Today I added a message board so you guys can talk all you want in there instead of u sing the guestbook. So go in there and talk about what's on your mind, or keep it to rodeo, maybe just even our club if you want too. It's all good =]

We will be having a rodeo at Coulee City sometime in July, so be ready! Also check out the trading post, I added a way to get more information up on that thing! So please check it out. Trading Post. Rodeo dates are in, view the CTJRA calendar to get the junior rodeo dates. Hope to see you all there!

A New Poll! Websites news: Today I viewed this website in Netscape 6 and it wasn't that bad, you just miss some features but it's nothing too worry about. So since the website looks pretty decent in Netscape Navigator I won't be changing anything big but I will be adding a history page and officers page soon.

Past News: I got monthly results from the ctjra counter and they were actually pretty nice, so there was good news and bad news, the good news is that there were a lot of hits, about 150 a month, that's pretty good for a little website with the same old stuff on it everyday. The bad news was that I noticed that the people viewing this website are viewing it in 800x600 screen resolution with NETSCAPE!!!, that will cause things to not look like there are suppose to. So if you think I should make some changes to suit your guys' needs then please email me asap..because after all you guys/girls are the ones who are viewing the webpage to find out information that you need. E-Mail Me. Even if you don't want me to change anything please e-mail me. I also saw that there were 3 people that saw our site from Canada, that's pretty neat. We also need more votes in our poll to get a reasonable idea of where to hold the Washington State Junior Rodeo Finals, thanks!